Engineering Mechanics MCQ Quiz - Objective Question with Answer for Engineering Mechanics - Download Free PDF

Last updated on Feb 13, 2024

Latest Engineering Mechanics MCQ Objective Questions

Engineering Mechanics Question 1:

A particle of mass m moving with linear velocity v in a circular path of radius r, the magnitude of centrifugal force Fc acting on the particle is given by:

  1. Fc = mv2/r
  2. Fc = 2mv2/r
  3. Fc = mr2/v
  4. Fc = 2mr2/v

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Fc = mv2/r

Engineering Mechanics Question 1 Detailed Solution


F1 P.Y 21.5.20 Pallavi D3

  • Centripetal Acceleration (a): Acceleration acting on the object undergoing uniform circular motion is called centripetal acceleration.
  • It always acts on the object along the radius towards the centre of the circular path.
  • The magnitude of centripetal acceleration,


\(a = \frac{{{v^2}}}{r}\)

Where v = velocity of the object and r = radius

  • The direction of centripetal acceleration: It is always the same as that of change in velocity vector \(\left( {{\rm{\Delta }}\vec v} \right)\).
  • When Δt decreases, the changes in angular displacement Δθ decreases. Due to which \(\left( {{\rm{\Delta }}\vec v} \right)\) becomes more and more perpendicular to \(\vec v\).
  • When Δt → 0, \(\left( {{\rm{\Delta }}\vec v} \right)\) becomes perpendicular to the velocity vector. As the velocity vector of the particle at an instant acts along the tangent to the circular path.
  • Therefore \(\left( {{\rm{\Delta }}\vec v} \right)\) and hence the centripetal acceleration vector acts along the radius of the circular path at that point and is directed towards the centre of the circular path.


  • If the body of the mass is revolving in the circular motion the magnitude of centrifugal force Fc acting on the particle is given by,

F = ma

\(F = \frac{mv^2}{r}\)

  • For the stable equilibrium, centrifugal force and centripetal force will be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

Engineering Mechanics Question 2:

Which of these statements is correct for inelastic collision?

  1. The kinetic energy of a body during impact remains constant
  2. The kinetic energy of a body before impact is equal to the kinetic energy of a body after impact
  3. The kinetic energy of body before impact is less than the kinetic energy of a body after impact
  4. The kinetic energy of body before impact is more than the kinetic energy of a body after impact

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : The kinetic energy of body before impact is more than the kinetic energy of a body after impact

Engineering Mechanics Question 2 Detailed Solution


Elastic collision:

  • In an elastic collision, both linear momentum and kinetic energy are conserved.
  • In other words, the total kinetic energy of the system before the collision is equal to the total kinetic energy after the collision, and the total linear momentum of the system is conserved.
  • For a two-body elastic collision, the conservation of linear momentum can be expressed as:

m1v1i + m2v2i = m1v1f + m2v2f

Where, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two bodies, v1i and v2i are their initial velocities, v1f and v2f are their final velocities.

Inelastic collision:

  • During an inelastic collision, two or more bodies collide and stick together, resulting in a single mass with a common velocity.
  • The loss of kinetic energy is often associated with the internal forces and deformations that occur during the collision.
  • In an inelastic collision, kinetic energy is not conserved.
  • Unlike elastic collisions, where the total kinetic energy of the system remains constant, in inelastic collisions, some of the initial kinetic energy is transformed into other forms of energy, such as internal energy or deformation.
  • For a two-body inelastic collision, the conservation of linear momentum is still valid, just as in elastic collisions.
  • The conservation of linear momentum in a two-body inelastic collision can be expressed as:

m1v1i + m2v2i = (m1 + m2)vf

Where, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two bodies, v1i and v2i are their initial velocities, vf is the final velocity after collision.

  • The total kinetic energy always decreases in an inelastic collision, the individual kinetic energy of one object might increase at the expense of others, due to the internal forces and deformations during the collision.
  • However, even in such cases, the overall kinetic energy of the specific body will always be lower after the collision compared to its pre-collision value.



Engineering Mechanics Question 3:

The moment of inertia of a triangular section of base 'a' and height ‘L' about an axis passing through its CG and parallel to the base is?

  1. aL3 / 36
  2. aL3 / 6
  3. aL3 / 8
  4. aL3 / 12

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : aL3 / 36

Engineering Mechanics Question 3 Detailed Solution


Moment of inertia of a triangle with base a and height L

\({I_{base}} = \frac{{a{L^3}}}{{12}}\)

Parallel axis theorem

  • The parallel axis theorem is used to find a moment of inertia about an axis that is at some distance from the centroidal axis and parallel to the centroidal.
  • Suppose an axis is at distance d from the centroidal axis and parallel to the centroidal axis.

According to the parallel axis theorem, the moment of inertia about that axis is given by,

\({I_{about~axis~parallel~to~centroida~laxis}} = {I_{about~centroidal~axis}} + A{d^2}\)

Moment of inertia about the centroidal axis of the triangle

F1 Ashik Madhu 14.08.20 D15

Applying parallel axis theorem we get

\({I_{xx}} = {I_{cc}} + A{\left( {\frac{L}{3}} \right)^2}\)

\({I_{cc}} = {I_{xx}} - A{\left( {\frac{L}{3}} \right)^2}\)

\(I_{cc}=\frac{{a{L^3}}}{{12}} - \frac{{aL}}{2} \times \frac{{{L^2}}}{9} = \frac{{a{L^3}}}{{36}}\)

\({I_{centroid}} = \frac{{a{L^3}}}{{36}}\)


Engineering Mechanics Question 4:

If the area is in mm2 and distance in mm, then M.I. is given as

  1. mm3
  2. mm4
  3. mm2
  4. mm

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : mm4

Engineering Mechanics Question 4 Detailed Solution


Moment of inertia of an area or Second moment of area (M.I):

M.I of a body about any axis is defined as the summation of the second moment of all elementary areas about the axis.

I = Σ(A × d2)

Unit: m4 or mm4 or cm4

The following table shows the Second moment of inertia of different shapes



Moment of Inertia


F1 Satya Madhu 20.06.20 D18

\({{\rm{I}}_{{\rm{xx}}}} = \frac{{{\rm{b}}{{\rm{d}}^3}}}{{12}}\)
\({{\rm{I}}_{{\rm{yy}}}} = \frac{{{\rm{d}}{{\rm{b}}^3}}}{{12}}\)


F1 Satya Madhu 20.06.20 D19

\({{\rm{I}}_{{\rm{xx}}}} = \frac{{{\rm{b}}{{\rm{h}}^3}}}{{36}}\)
\({{\rm{I}}_{{\rm{yy}}}} = \frac{{{\rm{h}}{{\rm{b}}^3}}}{{36}}\)


F1 Satya Madhu 20.06.20 D20

\({{\rm{I}}_{{\rm{xx}}}} = \frac{{\rm{\pi }}}{{64}}{{\rm{d}}^4}\)
\({{\rm{I}}_{{\rm{yy}}}} = \frac{{\rm{\pi }}}{{64}}{{\rm{d}}^4}\)


F1 Satya Madhu 20.06.20 D21

\({{\rm{I}}_{{\rm{xx}}}} = {\rm{\;}}0.11{{\rm{R}}^4}\)
\({{\rm{I}}_{{\rm{yy}}}} = \frac{{\rm{\pi }}}{8}{{\rm{R}}^4}\)

Quarter circle

F1 Satya Madhu 20.06.20 D22

\({{\rm{I}}_{{\rm{xx}}}} = 0.055{{\rm{R}}^4}\)
\({{\rm{I}}_{{\rm{yy}}}} = 0.055{{\rm{R}}^4}\)

Engineering Mechanics Question 5:

Two infinite straight rods are perpendicular to each other. The curves having equal potential in their plane will be _________.

  1. ellipse
  2. parabola
  3. rectangular hyperbola
  4. none of these

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : rectangular hyperbola

Engineering Mechanics Question 5 Detailed Solution

Concept -

When two infinite straight rods are perpendicular to each other, the curves having equal potential in their plane will form a rectangular hyperbola.

Explanation -

When two infinite straight rods are perpendicular to each other, the curves of equal potential in their plane form a rectangular hyperbola. This is a result of the electric potential created by the rods, and it leads to equipotential surfaces that resemble rectangular hyperbolas.

Hence Two infinite straight rods are perpendicular to each other. The curves having equal potential in their plane will be rectangular hyperbola.

Top Engineering Mechanics MCQ Objective Questions

During inelastic collision of two particles, which one of the following is conserved ?

  1. total linear momentum only
  2. total kinetic energy only
  3. both linear momentum and kinetic energy
  4. neither linear momentum nor kinetic energy

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : total linear momentum only

Engineering Mechanics Question 6 Detailed Solution

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  • Momentum is conserved in all collisions.
  • In elastic collision, kinetic energy is also conserved.
  • In inelastic collision, kinetic energy is not conserved. In perfectly inelastic collision, objects stick together after collision.

Perfectly elastic collision:

If law of conservation of momentum and that of kinetic energy hold good during the collision.

Inelastic collision:

If law of conservation of momentum holds good during collision while that of kinetic energy is not.

Coefficient of restitution (e)

\(e = \frac{{Relative\;velocity\;after\;collision}}{{Relative\;velocity\;before\;collision}} = \frac{{{v_2} - {v_1}}}{{{u_1} - {u_2}}}\)

  • For perfectly elastic collision, e = 1
  • For inelastic collision, e < 1
  • For perfectly inelastic collision, e = 0

The CG of a semicircular plate of 66 cm diameter, from its base, is


  1. 8/33 cm
  2. 1/14 cm
  3. 14 cm
  4. 63/8 cm

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : 14 cm

Engineering Mechanics Question 7 Detailed Solution

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The CG of a semicircular plate of  r radius, from its base, is

\(\bar y = {4r\over 3 \pi}\)

Electrician 34 18 8



r = 33 cm

\(\bar y = {4r\over 3 \pi}={4\times 33\over3\times{22\over 7}}\)

y̅ = 14 cm

∴ the C.G. of a semicircular plate of 66 cm diameter, from its base, is 14 cm.

Additional Information

C.G. of the various plain lamina are shown below in the table. Here x̅  & y̅  represent the distance of C.G. from x and y-axis respectively.

Circle F1 Krupalu 25.11.20 Pallavi D6.1
Semicircle Electrician 34 18 8
Triangle Electrician 34 18 6
Cone Electrician 34 18 5
Rectangle Electrician 34 18 7
Quarter Circle Electrician 34 18 9
Solid hemisphere RRB JE ME 60 14Q EMech1 HIndi Diag(Madhu) 11

A 1kg block is resting on a surface with co effcient of friction, µ = 0.1. A force of 0.8N is applied to the block as shown in figure. The friction force in Newton is 

GATE ME 2011 Images-Q43

  1. 0
  2. 0.98
  3. 1.2
  4. 0.8

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : 0.8

Engineering Mechanics Question 8 Detailed Solution

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The friction force is given by:

f = μN

where μ is the coefficient of friction between the surfaces in contact, N is the normal force perpendicular to friction force.



μ = 0.1, m = 1 kg, F = 0.8 N

Now, we know that

From the FBD as shown below

F1 Satya Madhu 18.07.20 D3

Normal reaction, N = mg = 1 × 9.81 = 9.81 N

Limiting friction force between the block and the surface, f = μN =  0.1 × 9.81 = 0.98 N

But the applied force is 0.8 N which is less than the limiting friction force.

∴ The friction force for the given case is 0.8 N.

A particle starts from rest and moves in a straight line whose equation of motion is given by S = 2t3 - t2 - 1. The acceleration of the particle after one second will be-

  1. 4 m/s2
  2. 6 m/s2
  3. 8 m/s2
  4. 10 m/s2

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : 10 m/s2

Engineering Mechanics Question 9 Detailed Solution

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If s = f(t)

Then, First derivative with respect to time represents the velocity


Acceleration is given by

\(a=\left( \frac{{{d}^{2}}S}{d{{t}^{2}}} \right)\)

Where s is the displacement



s = 2t3 – t2 - 1 and t = 1 sec.



\({{\left( \frac{{{d}^{2}}s}{d{{t}^{2}}} \right)}_{t=1s}}=12-2=10 \;m/s^2\)

A block weighing 981 N is resting on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of friction between the block and the horizontal surface is μ = 0.2. A vertical cable attached to the block provides partial support as shown. A man can pull horizontally with a force of 100 N. What will be the tension, T (in N) in the cable if the man is just able to move the block to the right?

GATE ME 2009 Images-Q10

  1. 176.2
  2. 196.0
  3. 481.0
  4. 981.0

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : 481.0

Engineering Mechanics Question 10 Detailed Solution

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GATE ME 2009 Images-Q10.1

Number of vertical forces:

∑Fy = T + RN - W = 0 

Static friction force is given as,

Fs = μRN 



W = 981 N, μ = 0.2, Fs = 100 N

Normal reaction:

\(\Rightarrow {R_N} = \frac{{100}}{{0.2}} = 500~N\)

Tension T

⇒ T = 981 - 500 = 481 N

A rubber ball is thrown vertically upward with a velocity u from the top of a building. It strikes the ground with a velocity 3u. The time taken by the ball to reach the ground is given by:

  1. 4u/g
  2. 3u/g
  3. 2u/g
  4. u/g

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : 4u/g

Engineering Mechanics Question 11 Detailed Solution

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Equation of motion:

  • The mathematical equations used to find the final velocity, displacements, time, etc of a moving object without considering the force acting on it are called equations of motion.
  • These equations are only valid when the acceleration of the body is constant and they move in a straight line.

There are three equations of motion:

v = u + at

v2 = u2 + 2as

\(s =ut + \frac{1}{2}at^2\)

where, v = final velocity, u = initial velocity, s = distance travelled by the body under motion, a = acceleration of body under motion, and t = time taken by the body under motion.




When the ball will reach the highest point then the final velocity will be zero.

Initial velocity = u m/sec, final velocity = 0 m/sec, acceleration = -g m/sec2

applying 1st equation of motion

v = u + at

0 = u - gt1



Initial velocity will be zero as the ball is at the highest point.

applying 1st equation of motion

v = u + at

3u = 0 + gt2


Therefore total time is:

t = t1 + t2


A 5 m long ladder is resting on a smooth vertical wall with its lower end 3 m from the wall. What should be the coefficient of friction between the ladder and the floor for equilibrium?

  1. \(\frac{1}{2}\)
  2. \(\frac{3}{8}\)
  3. \(\frac{1}{3}\)
  4. \(\frac{3}{5}\)

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : \(\frac{3}{8}\)

Engineering Mechanics Question 12 Detailed Solution

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The resting on between any frictional floor and a vertical wall will always satisfy all the static equilibrium condition i.e.

∑ Fx = ∑ Fy = ∑ Mat any point = 0



Length of ladder (AB) = 5 m, OB = 3 m

Let W will be the weight of the ladder, NB and NA will be support reaction, θ is the angle between ladder and floor and μ is the friction coefficient between ladder and floor.

Free body diagram of the ladder;

F1 Ashiq 6.11.20 Pallavi D5

OA2 = AB2 - OB, OA2 = 52 - 32 

OA2 = 16, OA = 4 m

From Δ OAB,

\(\cos θ = \frac{3}{5}\)

Now apply ∑ Fy = 0

NB = W 
Now take moment about point A, which should be equal to zero

∑ M= 0

\(\;\left( {\mu {N_B} \times 4} \right) + \left( {W \times \frac{5}{2} \times \cos \theta } \right) = {N_B} \times 3\)

\(\;\left( {\mu {N_B} \times 4} \right) + \left( {{N_B} \times \frac{5}{2} \times \frac{3}{5}} \right) = {N_B} \times 3\)

\(\left( {\mu \times 4} \right) + \left( {\frac{3}{2}} \right) =~3\)

\(\mu = \frac{3}{8}\)

Hence the value of the coefficient of friction between ladder and floor will be 3/8

In a statically determinate plane truss, the number of joints (j) and the number of members (m) are related by

  1. j = 2m – 3
  2. m = 2j + 1
  3. m = 2j – 3
  4. m = 2j – 1

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : m = 2j – 3

Engineering Mechanics Question 13 Detailed Solution

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  • A framework composed of members joined at their ends to form a rigid structure.

Planar truss: 

  • In these types of trusses, members lie in a single plane.
  • The basic element of a planar truss is a triangle i.e. three members are joined at three points.
  • For a planar truss, as there are three unknown support reactions (For a node or joint, there will be three unknown but dependent support reactions). so if
    1. m = 2j - 3 then system is statically determinate
    2. m < 2j - 3 then system is collapsed
    3. m > 2j - 3 then system is statically indeterminate
  • where, m = number of members, j = total number of joints (including those attached to the supports)

A force vs extension graph of a spring is as shown. The work done in extending the spring is


  1. 10 J
  2. 5 J
  3. 5000 J
  4. 500 J

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : 5 J

Engineering Mechanics Question 14 Detailed Solution

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Work done = Area under force deflection diagram

\(Work ~done = \frac 12 \times Force\times deflection\)



Gradual loading

Force = 100 N, deflection = 100 mm = 0.1 m

\(Work ~done = \frac 12 \times Force\times deflection\)

\(Work ~done = \frac 12 \times 100\times 0.1=5~J\)

A pin jointed uniform rigid rod of weight W and Length L is supported horizontally by an external force F as shown in the figure below. The force F is suddenly removed. At the instant of force removal, the magnitude of vertical reaction developed at the support is

ME GATE 2013 Images Q33

  1. zero
  2. W/4
  3. W/2
  4. W

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : W/4

Engineering Mechanics Question 15 Detailed Solution

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ME GATE 2013 Images Q33a

When the Force F is suddenly removed, then due to W, the rod is in rotating condition with angular acceleration \(\alpha\)

Thus the equation of motion:

\(\Sigma M=I_o\alpha;\;\;W \times \frac{L}{2} = I\alpha\)

\(As, I = \frac{mL^2}{3}= \frac{1}{3}\times\frac{W}{g}\times{L^2}\)

\(\therefore W \times \frac{L}{2} =\frac{WL^2}{3g}\times\alpha\)

\(\Rightarrow \alpha = \frac{{3g}}{{2L}}\)

\(\therefore Linear\;acceleration\;at\;centre = \alpha \times \frac{L}{2} = \frac{{3g}}{{2L}}\times \frac{L}{2}=\frac{{3g}}{4}\)

Also, the centre of the rod accelerates with linear acceleration a;

\(W-R=F\Rightarrow mg-R=ma\\R=mg-ma=mg-\frac{3}{4}mg=\frac{1}{4}mg=\frac{W}{4}\)   

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